Month: December 2018

End of Year

Facebook keeps reminding me I haven’t posted on my blog for ages. I wish it wouldn’t do that. The notification never fails to make me feel anxious – only because it’s an issue I know that needs addressing, and who wants to address issues?! Alas, I can only blog when my heart’s in it, anyway.

Uhm…What can I update you on?  Most people already know I left art school before it finished (shrugs) Despite the appeal of an art degree, it turned out that it really wasn’t my thing in the end. And seeing as I’ve got more work done since dropping out, than I did whilst the course was in progress, it was probably a good decision to leave. Besides, my art will continue, regardless of tutors, marking and a syllabus.

Something that isn’t art-related? My fitness is improving -that’s good. I do stretches each night and attend a gymnast class twice a week, so I should be doing somersaults by the end of the year -surely, right? I’m still banging on about doing the over-splits one day, as well. Apparently,  it’s not an impossible thing for me to accomplish. It’s amazing that now, at 30-something, I have decided to get in shape and have actually stuck to a routine. A plan I never entertained in my teens, or even my twenties.

Once again I’m prepping all of my new year resolutions and one of those include keeping up with blog -HAAA! We shall see.

That is all.