Month: April 2018

…And Now, It’s May!

Three days ago I visited an old park I used to play in as a child. I’ve been meaning to visit the house I grew up in, which is situated beside the park, for a few months now, and Saturday was the day I went for that walk. Wow. The nostalgia was overwhelming. A part of me initially didn’t want to see. I learned to ride my bike in that park and I recall that very day with my Dad and the very path we took. So many wonderful memories of my childhood. It wasn’t just the big things though, it was the insignificant things like the broken bit of path that was at the entrance of the park. I distinctly remember having to put extra pressure on my bike pedals when I was a child, just so I could make it over the raised concrete each time I entered the park. And later, when I’d learned to skate, I’d have to slow down on my roller blades to prevent a fall. That must’ve been well over twenty or so years ago. The path still isn’t fixed.


It appeared that the majority of the greenery had been chopped away, which is very sad, and lots of tall, pointy, metal fences are now dividing the park into sections. Most likely a security thing that has gone too far or maybe lack of funding for groundskeeping. I have no idea how all that works. It was nice to visit, regardless. I could still see how the park used to be, and very vividly remember the old, green, wooden see-saw and high slide. It was back when health and safety was all bollocks and the ground wasn’t rubber; it was just gravel and tiny bits of glass. Quite literally. Amazing.

I actually caught a chill during my day out, so I’ve been pretty much bed ridden for two days. I was even mildly delirious on Monday night. I’ve not had those feelings for ages. Tonight I feel a bit better, though I now have a barking cough. I’ve just had a curry and watched an episode of Luther. As I always say, I prefer to watch these series once the general public have stopped banging on about it, so my time to watch this programme is now. It’s not too bad really. I still haven’t got over the whole Dexter thing, so it’s hard for anything to level with it, but I’m still enjoying all these detective/thriller series I haven’t seen yet. They are good to watch when I’m doing my art or journals.

Actually, I had to ask my tutor for another extension on my art coursework. Again. I suspect by this point she probably thinks I have issues going on or I simply can’t be arsed with the course. Quite honestly, I am just so tired. Ugh. I will get through this course and I will gain my degree, but I should maybe start to introduce a quick nap into my schedule. Really. I’ve never been one for getting a bit of daytime shut-eye – like, what if I miss something, right? This sort of stuff contributes to the bags under my eyes. I mean, the cause is mostly down to genetics but I really do need a massive nap. This is maybe something else I’m writing about that I will never actually make happen, but right now, I mean it. Anyway, I will eventually share some actual art at some point this year. I have a lot going on. It’s all good, but it’s also time consuming.

About three months since my last post. Classic.