
It’s February…

I’m feeling happy today. I like the first days of the month. Any month. The whole fresh start thing… blah blah blah. February is especially grand because it kind of marks the end of the previous year. Officially. Christmas grumbles are still floating in the air during January and I find it all a bit negative.

I last made a post here during July 2017. Wow. I know I’ve been a bit lazy, but jeez. I’m always so disappointed in myself when I leave these things too long. More so because I’ve managed to still make time for a bit of other social media nonsense. Namely Facebook. Although that is becoming somewhat of a tumbleweed for me -I’m making updates less and less. Not that it bothers me. Besides, the Instagram community works better for my creative output. Junk journals, bullet journals, writing journals, stationary… all catching my eye this year and lots of those things are being shared around my Instagram account. I particularly got into mail art and have enjoyed sending happy mail for a short-while now. I really hope all that snail mail continues.

So, a new month. I already planned my February spread in the BuJo. It’s basically an offspring to my diary. I think it’s always good to have visuals.

In other news, September will hopefully mark the end of the beginning for my art degree and I’m looking forward to moving on to the next course, of which there are many options. Although, Visual Studies is a compulsory area that I’ll need to focus on at some point, so I’m thinking it might be best to get it out of the way, especially as there seems to be a lot less, if absolutely zero, practical work to be done. Then I’ll most likely choose a painting course or maybe even sculpture. Maybe. I’ll keep myself posted about that. In the meantime, I’ll be hacking away at the sketches and paintings for Assignment 3 -due in March, so I’ll end this here. That’s it for now. As usual, I’ll promise to try and keep the momentum going with the blog.

Fresh, Fresh, Fresh

To the point? I had to start my art degree from the beginning. Hence, the gap between this post and the last. In the process I created a new space for my coursework – you can follow my new ‘study blog’ by clicking HERE or the using tab at the top of the page. If there’s any aspect of the restart I like, it’s probably the fact I’ve actually started a fresh learning log. I occasionally used to enjoy rambling on this side of the web and had to give brief intermission when this blog turned into a kind of coursework project. I can now return to my own art and natters once again.

I’m up late this evening. My sleep is a bit buggered after I gave work a miss today following the result of night-time nausea from 3:56am which proceeded to blanket me for most of the day.  I ended up sleeping on the couch some time in the early afternoon and awaking to an episode of Columbo. At least I feel a bit better now. I think I’m going to take a nap for a further four hours and then attempt to carry on with some productive stuff. My sleep pattern should be appropriately aligned by then and I’ll be able to post some art-related updates.

Until 4:30am it is…

A degree in Fine Art

I finally enrolled on a Fine Art degree course and officially started two days ago. I already emailed my tutor and gave a brief introduction of myself and the desired outcomes I hope to expect from the programme -it’s all very exciting! I’ve been told I need to keep some kind of blog/journal to keep track of my progress – a sort of ‘learning log’ -but after much thought I’ve decided to stick with this one and just add extra menus and what not. Now I haven’t got an excuse to avoid posting. I think this blog is going to take a good turn, and there’s a chance to gain extra marks from the posts, so I guess it had better do. Of course, I will thrive on the structure of it all. Structure is always good and structure is usually secure. I noticed on Facebook yesterday that it has been exactly one year since I posted a status about wanting to start my degree in 2016, and now it’s happening.

In all the excitement, I forgot to post about the art exhibiton -It was totally ace! A really great night and quite an experience for me. I didn’t interact much with the other artists, perhaps one or two, but everybody seemed lovely. It was nice to see friends and family showing support, including some faces I hadn’t seen in a while.

Below is a photo of the work I had on display


‘Caustic Foliate’ 2016


I’m going to stick with the early morning wake-up calls and continue to be as productive as possible. I put a small sketchbook in my bag this morning. Going to attempt a sketch-a-day, even if it means a sketch on the bus to work or during my lunch hour.